
Who wants to be buried alive? Not me. Definitely. I once saw the teaser trailer , it's as minimal as I could ever imagine for a movie tr...

The Social Network

Have you ever received this on your social networking sites? "Mark Zuckerberg is hospitalised due to serious injuries. Chuck Norris pok...

Dawai 2 Asmara

Sebelumnya, gue mau ngaku dulu. Kalo bukan dikasih kesempatan nonton premiere gratis bareng Delon, gue bakalan berpikir tujuh kali buat n...

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

!!! SPOILER ALERT !!! Ever since I read the books and seen the previous movies, I had high anticipation for Eclipse for some reasons: 1. It...

Despicable Me

Sebenernya ini bukan film pilihan gue buat ditonton. Ga tau ya kenapa gue ga gitu minat. Padahal banyak yang bilang bagus. And probably l...

Shutter Island

I really like Leonardo DiCaprio in this movie. Once again he proved he's a very good actor, who has struck a gem with a very good direct...


I caught it on HBO. Seeing Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, Alan Arkin, Peter Sarsgaard and Jake Gyllenhaal .. who could resist? Perhaps I ...


I will only give short comment. Despite of the stellar casts involved in this movie, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Jake Gyllenhaal, Chloe...


When I saw it in cinema a few years back, I could only give short comments posted in one mailist: "Adu debat dan aktingnya melawan Gwyn...


After being gay cowboy, now Jake Gyllenhaal is a marine during the Gulf War. War movies' never been my preference. But just because it ...

Brokeback Mountain

When there was a very fuming and sarcastic debate on one mailist about the gay issue and Jake's choice of movie role, right before the O...


!! SPOILER ALERT !! I got the recommendation from Rotten Tomatoes, and of course from my always-reliable JB. This movie put Tobey Maguire i...

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

I kinda lost Jake for a while. Not until this year when suddenly he caught my attention again with his Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ...


Quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Golden Globe 2010: ".. and based on the worldwide box office, if you haven't seen the movie, y...

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

New Moon was one of my most anticipated movies in 2009. I first saw the trailer in cinema when I was watching This Is It and I couldn’t h...


2010: Happy New Year, Friends! (You still got two years to see the world collapse). Mumpung kita baru memasuki 2010, masih banyak waktu samb...

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