So there I went, with one coke and two bags of caramel popcorn in my hand. When Disney Castle showed at the beginning .. o man, a Disney movie?? Gotta be kidding me, right, Jake?? Well I could blame it on my dull knowledge of Prince of Persia, but seriously, what other suprises you got me there? Did you think I would enjoy watching you having fun playing in a Bruckheimer-Disney-light-family movie??
You're right, I would.
I liked the movie. Not so overwhelmed by the story, but it was indeed very entertaining. The actions were good, the special effects were descent. And Jake, with all buffed and tanned and long hair, mostly appeared dirty and unrecognizable.. couldn't say it's my favorite look, but I didn't mind. Remember when I wrote that he got something in his manner, he surely still got it here. He's just way sweeter than the popcorn I chewed. He made me recalling why I liked him at the first place.
The Most Anticipated DVD in My Agenda .. and all they can come up with .. is THIS!
Seriously, Disney. One disc only? One special featurette only? Seriously?? You. Are. Walt Disney. It's an absolute crime you're not releasing a minimum TWO-DISC EDITION and load it with at least TEN BONUS FEATURETTES!! What, do you want me to wait longer for it? Can you guarantee there'll be another, better edition? Then what am I supposed to do while waiting? Drooling over The Persian Prince and banging my head against the wall, just like one idiot whose dream is ruined by you, YOU cheapskate studio. Or do you expect me to double-dip? HAH! You evil thing. I should have known THAT's your plan exactly. $%^F#!#!!U#!!*&^#&*%$#C*(*#&#!K!!!
And let this playlist speaks for itself.
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