Ever since I read the books and seen the previous movies, I had high anticipation for Eclipse for some reasons:
1. It contained more drama with the triangle love between Edward, Bella and Jacob. The way Stephenie Meyer described them in the book was interesting and funny in some ways. Such a contradiction, yet appealing. One could argue that whether or not Bella Swan really was in love with Jacob Black, and not just being a greedy bitch.
2. The case of immortal enemies befriended side by side was just too good to miss. I, who couldn't and wouldn't choose, found this as a gracious resolution. And a perfect excuse swooning over the vampire and the werewolf without any guilt. To tell you honestly, I'm Team Bella and dying to take over her place.
3. I wanted to see how the actors grow. It's been two movies already, and I was not feeling fully satisfied. I'm aware that it's impossible to look for any casting replacements, no matter how much they said it sucked. There's no other choice than hoping it to be better, just so by the end of the road I can say that Twilight movies can finally compliment the books and the actors can do justice to the beloved characters.
Eclipse is a girlie movie. It proved all the cheesiness that scared the hell out of many people in the male department. Couldn't blame them though, I myself felt the romance was way over-the-top. But I like it. It's also action-packed. I enjoyed the newborn armies scene, Riley was cool. And the way the vampires and werewolves attacking them in slow motion was entertaining.
I love the scene in the tent where you could get for once not a smirk but a genuine smile from Edward Cullen. That should be enough to replace the whole interesting ping-pong conversation between Edward and Jacob in the book for a while. I certainly love Bella and Jacob's 2nd kiss. It was beautiful. And they cut short the dragging story about The 3rd Wife. Grateful for that.
I'm also happy to see some progress in the makeup. Bella Swan was more beautiful than ever. There's no more bloody red lips for the vampires. Costume also good. The blue shirt Edward wore on the snowy mountain scene brought him into the right spot for being the object of desire.
I thank the same department also for not putting shirts on Jacob. I have no doubt on people who switched team because Jacob Black was absolutely hot, hotter than Edward Cullen as per his declaration.
This time, I found a total miscast in Victoria. Bryce Dallas Howard is too sweet to be a fierceful and manipulative vampire. Unless she meant to manipulate people with that dolly face of hers.
Acting wise is same old, same old. I have passed the point to discuss why Robert Pattinson couldn't look into Kristen Stewart's eyes the way Taylor Lautner did to her. Or why the chemistry is much stronger to present between Lautner and Stewart. So I will just accept it.
I notice some of my favourite lines didn't make it to the movie. But the fact that I got the following instead, delivered by the least sympathetic friend of Bella, it really caught me off-guard. Jessica's valedectorian speech was a total pay-off.
"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like, astronauts, president... or in my case, a princess.
When we were ten, they asked again. We answered, a rock star, cowboy, or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we're grown up, they want a serious answer.
Well, how about this. Who the hell knows?
This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions; this is a time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love... a lot. Major in philosophy, because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind, and change it again, because nothing's permanent. So, make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess... we'll know."
I cried. Wouldn't think it's even possible for a Twilight movie. Man, Anna Kendrick is good. Can she get to play Bella Swan?
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