
Newest movie review:
Titanic (3D)

Tips & Tricks for All Readers

Beware of:

The mixed language.
The writer often encounters an identity crisis. If you were confused, you could try using Google Translator, but you might end up with something like this.

The spoilers.
The writer honestly believes that every movie review has spoiler elements in it. So it's strongly suggested to see the movie first before reading anything.

The free-form, long and irrelevant contents.
The writer admits she sometimes lost her sense of direction and just can't get to the point quickly. You may find it making no sense, at all.

The personal and subjective nature of the reviews/comments.
Like all opinions are, like all readers should acknowledge.

The hyperlinks.
Click around every blue fonts, every pictures, and see where it leads you:
1.  The picture slides on homepage -> linked to Litterzone and CineFriends.
2.  The Posters page -> it's all about thumbnails.  Click to enlarge.
3.  The movie poster on each blogpost -> linked to IMDb site to give you overall information of the movie.
4.  The rose signature and tagline -> linked to the original posted on CineFriends yahoogroup.
5.  Just click click click.  How many easter eggs can you find?  Will that be too much information?


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