Sebenernya ini bukan film pilihan gue buat ditonton. Ga tau ya kenapa gue ga gitu minat. Padahal banyak yang bilang bagus. And probably later I will get a chance to see it when it comes to DVD. But this morning, I got a message to bring Mat to the cinema. And no other choice than Despicable Me. So be it. Those green little things on the poster resemble aliens in Toy Story, right? It should be ok then.
Disappointment came when I found out the movie was only available in 3D. I'm not very fond of wearing glasses throughout my watching time (well, if the movie worths the inconvenience, I'd be happy to overrule my objection), and you can guess how I'd feel about 3D glasses on little kids. Tapi yah, gue beli aja tiketnya. One pax, one glasses only. I didn't intend to put the glasses on Mat continuosly for the whole movie. Dan memang ternyata fine-fine aja tuh. Gue juga bolak-balik lepas kacamata, well except the blurry picture on some points, didn't bother me much. Karena memang 3D-nya ga special. Kalo aja ada yang 2D .. I'd take it anytime.
Story wise. It's just an ok one indeed. Not really that exhilarating. Bahkan gue merasa film ini moralnya terlalu dewasa buat anak-anak. Well, I don't know know about other kids, but it certainly bored Mat half the time. It bored me here and there too. Kurangnya karakter yang cute (kecuali mahluk-mahluk hijau itu .. or yellow?), Gru cenderung mengerikan dengan hidungnya yang lancip (mengingatkan gue sama Grinch. Yay). Sure, those girls were adorable. But even the cutest one, Agnes, was only a copycat of Boo in Monsters, Inc.. Ada beberapa adegan yang mengambil Mission Impossible dan Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Quite amusing, just because I knew where the scenes originally came from. Adegan roller-coaster juga menarik, gue sampe ngambil kacamata dari Mat karena pengen liat seperti apa 3D-nya .. not bad, could be better though. But other than that, film ini ga punya "bahasa gambar" yang cukup karena karakternya kurang memorable. I'm putting myself into my son's shoes, who doesn't understand English well and who cannot read the subtitles. And most of the things those characters were doing in the movie, have failed to trigger curious questions.
I'm lucky I'm an adult. So I can give a little appreciation despite all these.
Disappointment came when I found out the movie was only available in 3D. I'm not very fond of wearing glasses throughout my watching time (well, if the movie worths the inconvenience, I'd be happy to overrule my objection), and you can guess how I'd feel about 3D glasses on little kids. Tapi yah, gue beli aja tiketnya. One pax, one glasses only. I didn't intend to put the glasses on Mat continuosly for the whole movie. Dan memang ternyata fine-fine aja tuh. Gue juga bolak-balik lepas kacamata, well except the blurry picture on some points, didn't bother me much. Karena memang 3D-nya ga special. Kalo aja ada yang 2D .. I'd take it anytime.
Story wise. It's just an ok one indeed. Not really that exhilarating. Bahkan gue merasa film ini moralnya terlalu dewasa buat anak-anak. Well, I don't know know about other kids, but it certainly bored Mat half the time. It bored me here and there too. Kurangnya karakter yang cute (kecuali mahluk-mahluk hijau itu .. or yellow?), Gru cenderung mengerikan dengan hidungnya yang lancip (mengingatkan gue sama Grinch. Yay). Sure, those girls were adorable. But even the cutest one, Agnes, was only a copycat of Boo in Monsters, Inc.. Ada beberapa adegan yang mengambil Mission Impossible dan Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Quite amusing, just because I knew where the scenes originally came from. Adegan roller-coaster juga menarik, gue sampe ngambil kacamata dari Mat karena pengen liat seperti apa 3D-nya .. not bad, could be better though. But other than that, film ini ga punya "bahasa gambar" yang cukup karena karakternya kurang memorable. I'm putting myself into my son's shoes, who doesn't understand English well and who cannot read the subtitles. And most of the things those characters were doing in the movie, have failed to trigger curious questions.
I'm lucky I'm an adult. So I can give a little appreciation despite all these.
"I shrink the moon, I grab the moon, I sit on the toilet."
Seeing the movie on DVD turns out to be a much better experience. Perhaps I was too early to judge. Or maybe because Mat plays it over and over again, it kinda grows in me. When we found the short movies on YouTube, it's even better. Those minions are exceptional. I put them all on my playlist to watch together with Mat anytime we need a good laugh.
Seeing the movie on DVD turns out to be a much better experience. Perhaps I was too early to judge. Or maybe because Mat plays it over and over again, it kinda grows in me. When we found the short movies on YouTube, it's even better. Those minions are exceptional. I put them all on my playlist to watch together with Mat anytime we need a good laugh.
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