1. Edward Norton
2. Edward Norton
3. Edward Norton
4. Naomi Watts is casted along
5. It's a drama that seems mellow and romantic (seperti tipe-tipe novelnya Nicholas Sparks)
Mungkin yang udah tau gue, almost impossible to miss any Edward Norton's movie. Well .. almost .. karena gue ketinggalan nonton Down in the Valley dan The Illusionist. Hik hik .. ntar aja kalo kebetulan nemu DVD-nya. Dan mungkin ada yang tau juga kalo gue penggemar drama. Edward Norton + drama = a potential plus plus. I'm longing to see how light he can be in a drama movie (such as in Keeping the Faith .. but that's a romantic comedy). Dan gue nyaris lupa kalo film yang dibintangi Norton jarang ada yang bisa disebut "ringan". Nggak terkecuali yang satu ini. Alih-alih drama percintaan .. malah dapet cinta, dendam dan kolera. Ketauan dari sejak opening credit dengan haunting music dan ilustrasi bunga-bunga yang bukannya mekar tapi malah layu dan mati. Wuasai.
And I love it. Very very much. I will definitely wait for the video release and re-watch it again, and again.
And I love it even more when most critics and you love it too.
And I'm proud of my man (even though to some people that call themselves moviegoers, his name still never rings any bell. "Edward who?" And sometimes I am tempted to answer that he is the one that created Norton Antivirus).
And I'm proud of this movie (even though some people, teenagers most likely, adults probably, will call it a boring movie. Dan memang keliatannya film ini juga ga bisa komersil di sini, karena siapa sih yang mau nonton film drama yang bintangnya "ga terkenal", bukan Brad Pitt atau Tom Cruise gitu. Makanya ga tahan lama diputer di bioskop).
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