Dua orang udah menolak waktu gue ajak nonton The Aviator. Yang satu karena dia ga suka sama Leo .. dan yang satunya lagi karena dia ga suka sama Leo, plus Howard Hughes-nya sekalian. I pity Leo for the judgment, as he's always been a good actor in my opinion, doomed by his face, his youth and his big ego off-screen. Let me tell you something new .. I don't care about Leo off-screen. Just give me Leo on-screen anytime, and I'll be good.
Untung aja gue nonton di bioskop. Coba kalo nonton di rumah .. ga janji. Probably I would only let this movie roll up to when Kate Hepburn left Howard.
(.. and screw Ava Gardner .. er .. Kate Beckinsale, I mean. She's nothing but a blank pretty face. What a waste!)
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