Siapa yang belom pernah denger soal "The Phantom of the Opera"? Berapa banyak orang yang merasa familiar dengan "The Phantom of the Opera", tanpa tau kisah originalnya seperti apa?
The name is bigger than itself. It's like a legend. People have heard about it, but not all people know about it .. for they maybe only know the very least, "The Phantom of the Opera" is about a ghost who haunted an opera house, and who had some kind of a relationship with this young woman .. and then there was this chandelier .. bla-bla-bla ..
Itulah yang terjadi sama gue. Mendengar "The Phantom of the Opera" disebut-sebut, pikiran gue langsung mengarah ke hantu bertopeng putih, dan Andrew Lloyd Webber. Image si Hantu Opera udah gue "kenal" sejak gue kecil .. entah ya darimana asalnya .. ga tau juga persepsinya bener ato ga. Belakangan image ini semakin diperkuat sama Webber yang musiknya banyak ditemuin dalam cd or kaset bertajuk "The Phantom of the Opera", yang bertengger di jajaran rak klasik or soundtrack. Webber membuat kisah ini identik dengan musik .. dengan broadway show .. dengan Michael Crawford dan Sarah Brightman .. dengan lagu-lagunya, terutama "All I Ask of You".
Gue belom pernah nonton satu versi-pun dari kisah ini .. of course, kecuali beberapa cuplikan-cuplikan atau adaptasi yang kadang ditemui dalam berbagai media. And as shocking as it could be, gue bahkan belom pernah secara khusus mendengar dan berusaha mengenali lagu-lagunya. Rasanya warna horor dalam kisah ini sedikit banyak mempengaruhi minat gue juga buat mencari lebih jauh lagi. Tapi ketika The Phantom of the Opera menawarkan dirinya dalam gabungan media yang gue cintai .. in a musical film, which I think it was a perfect way to tell the story .. I couldn't let it pass me by. I just had to see it.
Setelah sekian lama tertunda, akhirnya gue bisa menyempatkan diri buat mengenal si Hantu Opera. Lumayan juga jumlah "teman" gue nonton waktu itu, walaupun bisa dibilang ga terlalu banyak. Sepasang di pojok sana .. beberapa orang di pojok sini .. gue surprise ngeliat gue masih bisa punya teman nonton di dalam studio, mengingat The Phantom of the Opera sepertinya bukan untuk selera mayoritas penonton di Lippo Karawaci 21. Apa yang kira-kira telah menarik mereka buat nonton film ini? Apakah Joel Schumacher? Apakah Andrew Lloyd Webber? Apakah Emmy Rossum? Apakah Gerard Butler dan Patrick Wilson? Apakah legenda si Hantu Opera itu sendiri? *shrug*.
Kenyataannya, kurang dari satu jam film diputar, it got two walk-outs. Sepasang penonton yang tadinya duduk di pojok di deretan kursi gue, akhirnya memilih keluar dari studio. Dan setelah itu, mulai banyak bisik-bisik dan obrolan ga penting keluar dari deretan penonton jauh di belakang gue, sepertinya mereka bosen. Okay. Mungkin mereka ga mengira kalo film ini adalah musikal .. mungkin mereka tadinya menganggap film ini adalah film horor .. mungkin .. mungkin .. Well, hellooo .. *knocking on their heads* .. this is Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, what did you expect?? Some slasher horror movie?? Makanya cari info dulu sebelum beli tiket. Duh.
And what do I think about this movie?
The Phantom of the Opera dimulai seperti film-film bisu hitam putih, dengan proyeksi gambar yang kasar dan suram. Tapi cuma untuk beberapa adegan aja. Selebihnya, warna memenuhi layar .. and I'm glad I see it in a big silver screen, I think this movie might be too big to fit into a TV screen. Warna-warna emas memenuhi hampir sebagian besar adegan, menggambarkan glamour-nya suasana gedung opera yang megah. It is alive with the colors. Tata busananya membuat gue melongo beberapa kali, so beautiful.
Dan kemana warna horor yang sedianya ada di sini? Well, there is this underground place where The Phantom lives. Jalan masuknya tertutup air dengan kabut tipis mengambang di atasnya .. ruangannya diterangi oleh lilin-lilin .. gothic, but surprisingly warm too. Bahkan suasana kuburan yang tertutup salju bisa berkesan indah, dibanding seram. And don't forget about The Phantom himself. Sounds promising, huh?
Tapi, The Phantom of the Opera bukanlah Moulin Rouge! atau Chicago yang dipenuhi oleh akting yang mantap dan suara setengah matang dari para pemerannya. The Phantom of the Opera menomorduakan akting. Emmy Rossum as Christine sells her tears, her delicate smile and her innocent beauty. Patrick Wilson as Raoul sells his handsome face. Gerard Butler is too charming to be The Phantom. Tapi dari hubungan tiga karakter utama ini, gue cuma bisa melihat chemistry yang janggal antara Christine dan si Hantu Opera. Janggal karena .. er .. it's a creepy kind of romantic. I give the credit to Butler. Emosinya kerasa, terutama menjelang akhir film. Other than that, so-so. I could expect more from Minnie Driver though, her Carlotta was hilarious and gave some enlightenments in this movie. Sayang, perannya ga banyak.
Musik telah mengambil alih bagian terbesar dari film ini. Score musik klasik dengan sentuhan pop dan rock di sana-sini terus mengalun, ditambah dengan suara khas penyanyi opera yang menggelegar. In fact, sometimes it got to my nerves. But the actors' voices are too good to be true .. gue hampir ga percaya kalo mereka bisa menyanyikan perannya seperti itu. Terutama Rossum, ooo .. when she sang, my heart melted. Walaupun kadang kurang ekspresif waktu menyanyi, suara Rossum bening dengan vibra sewarna suara Sarah Brightman.
Then I believe, "The Phantom of the Opera" is a lot bigger than the movie. The movie might not work for everybody, as opera or musical doesn't work for all .. but it works for me somehow. It still feels good that I can get to know the legend better by seeing this movie. It contains the bitterness of life and the sweetness of love. It contains passion and compassion. And if these are not enough, just look for the music. Listen to the songs .. to the grandeur of the theme .. to "All I Ask of You", which has turned to be one of the most beautiful love songs in my book, instantly after I heard it sung on the roof-top .. jeez, why love promises are often said at the top of a building??
No more talk of darkness,
forget these wide-eyed fears;
I'm here, nothing can harm you,
my words will warm and calm you.
Let me be your freedom,
let daylight dry your tears;
I'm here, with you, beside you,
to guard you and to guide you.
Say you'll love me ev'ry waking moment;
turn my head with talk of summertime.
Say you need me with you now and always;
promise me that all you say is true,
that's all I ask of you.
Let me be your shelter,
let me be your light;
you're safe, no one will find you,
your fears are far behind you.
All I want is freedom,
a world with no more night;
and you, always beside me,
to hold me and to hide me.
Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime;
let me lead you from your solitude.
Say you want me with you, here beside you,
anywhere you go, let me go too,
that's all I ask of you.
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime.
Say the word and I will follow you.
Share each day with me, each night, each morning.
Say you love me ...
You know I do.
Love me, that's all I ask of you ...
Anywhere you go, let me go too.
Love me, that's all I ask of you.
So, tell me again .. is The Phantom of the Opera a horror movie, or a romantic movie?
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